There are many post in my blog related with how to earn money. I have publish my blogs in many sites. Some site allowed you to earn money. pay you for your blogs and also for refer friends. I like squidoo very much, you can choose your revenue for donations in many field i.e. Donate to the Squidoo Charity Fund, Action against hunger, Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation, Wildlife SOS. and Many more you can choose Or if you want your revenue in to Cash. It's all Up to you what you want to do with your Money.
I decided all my revenue donate to The Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation.
I am Happy to inform you that last month i earn US$ 1.39 ( by and ), i donated 100% my revenue to The Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation. It's not a big Amount But I feeling i did some thing for them who need. I wish My earning will increase in future and i will definately donate all my revenue to this kind of charity funds.
You can also help me by sign up .Using my refferal link . Once you earn $15 both (you and me) get extra $5 bonous.
My lens (Blog is called as lens in ) is
Below is the message by squidoo to me to inform my revenue goes to Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation.Happy payday, Sweetheart. It looks like you're donating your royalties to some awesome causes. Good for you. And guess what: we want to hear about it! The why, the how, the who... send a note to and share your charity story. And now without further ado, here's the scoop on your charitable donations from 06/01/2008 to 06/30/2008.
YOUR ROYALTIES (06/01/2008 to 06/30/2008)
Your previous balance + previous Refer-A-Friend bonuses = $0.00
Your new lens earnings this period = $1.39
Total earnings = $1.39!
So, here's how you're donating your $1.39...
$1.39 has been donated in your name to Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation.
[Saturday, February 23, 2008
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